Professional Windshield Repair Kits by Ultra Bond have been proven in lab testing and in court cases to be the very best in the industry. You should choose Ultra Bond professional kits because they are easy to use and when finished repairing your customer's windshield, gives you peace-of-mind that your job restored over 100% of new windshield strength, confirmed multiple times by ANSI Approved Windshield Repair Lab Tests. It was also proven in court in Cullen v. State Farm that Ultra Bond meets pre-loss condition. What is pre-loss conditon? That is the contractual obligation the insurance company has to the auto insurance policy holder. Ultra Bond is the only repair in the United States that meets Pre-Loss Condition, which is 100% restoration. Replacing windshields is not needed when you can repair chips and long cracks. Save your customer hundreds to over a thousand dollars in unnecessary replacements. Since 1990 our founder, Richard Campfield, developed the many different resins and tool configurations in each of these professional windshield repair kits so that you can repair windshields with great efficiency. Earlier on in the windshield repair business, the crack repair market did not exist, and proper tools to safely repair a windshield were non-existent. Here we've laid out the professional windshield crack repair kits. Read further and discover what professional windshield repair is all about!