It's no secret that for the last 25 years the windshield replacement market was taken over in a hostile manner in which Saftelite destroyed the windshield crack repair market due to a marketing lie about windshield crack repair. Ultra Bond is the only brand that is actively involved with saving the windshield crack repair industry. We do more for our customers, all repair technicans, our windshield crack repair technicians than any other brand in this endeavor alone. When you do business with us you are helping us maintain this fight against the oligarchs corrupting vehicles all over the roads of the United States of America.
- Ultra Bond Created To Manufacture Better Tools, Better Resin, Better Repairs
- Richard Campfield Wrote the Book On Crack Repair, fought for the ROLAGS, created the NWRA and Wrote the U.S Windshield Repair Guidelines
- Pushes Federal Lab Testing Standards and Flexural Strength Test
- Gifted Millions of Dollars in Lawsuits To Protect the Repair Market while the others did nothing.
All of our efforts in manufacturing are in a effort to enable our customers to have an easier time in performing windshield crack repair and maintain the safety of windshields for all vehicles. Compared to the rest, no one comes close to these ethics or points of value. When you think about who to choose business, we hope that you do it with Ultra Bond!